Thursday, April 5, 2012

Beautiful Baby Contest

See that kid up there? Well, he's all grown up now. But if you think he's a beautiful baby, come by and vote for him!

Here at the library we're having our first-ever BEAUTIFUL BABY CONTEST. It's a fundraiser during which we post BABY PICTURES of community leaders and city employees and allow you to tell us who's the best-looking by putting money in slots corresponding to the photos...the "baby" that attracts the most money wins! The grown-up version of teh person will receive a certificate declaring him or her MOST BEAUTIFUL BABY IN CHIPPEWA FALLS!

The proceeds will be used to pay for new furniture for the library. In case you're wondering, contestants include Rusty Volk of Northern Wisconsin State Fair, Mayor Greg Hoffman, Bill Volker of Volker Funeral Home and more! We don't identify the pictures, but maybe you can figure it out...

Come see what they looked like and give to a good cause!