The staff of the library is a great staff. Last fall, I pointed high up on the wall in front of the big window on the north side of the building and said: "It looks so BARE up there. A big clock would look great, wouldn't it?" I even drew a sketch. But after that, I have to admit I didn't do a whole lot more to make it happen.
But Reference Assistant Sue Rada (pictured leftmost above) heard me and coordinated a bake sale effort with Circulation Clerks Diane Bergeron (center) and Brandi Kinderman (right). On their own time, they created the cutest, most delicious little sports-related morsels and mounted them on lollipop sticks. After making and selling over 200 of them (at $1.00 each), the clock is bought and paid for (it came from
It will be up and keeping time by the middle of next week. Come in and see it!