Friday, April 16, 2010

Tighter Ship A-Sailing

In about a month, there are going to be some changes coming to the Chippewa Falls Public Library's policies. Actually, the changes are already technically in place, but we wanted to make sure the public is well-informed before we begin to put them into practice. We'll start enforcing the following on May 17th, so spread the word! Feel free to copy and paste this blog entry into emails to your best library-using friends.

Checking Out & Using Computers

First, we're going to get a little tougher on people coming in and expecting to check out without having their library cards. Patrons are going to need to have their cards with them. It saves staff time and speeds things along at the desk. We WILL allow one check out without a library card every three months, but a note will be made in the patron record and the patron will have to have it the next time. In other words, don't go to the library without your library card!

Next, we're going to raise the cost of replacing a card to $5.00. A lot of people have gotten three or four cards in as many years, and think nothing of the data entry time, wasted paper for the MORE application, etc. So, keep your card in your wallet and keep track of it!

Also, patrons will need their library cards to log onto our public access Internet computers. If a patron has a card and simply forgets it they can log on, but this(like checking out without a card) will only be allowed once every three months. So, once again, don't leave home without your library card!


The maximum fine that will allow patrons to check out--AND USE THE INTERNET--at the Chippewa Falls Public Library will be lowered to $5.00. In my estimation as your director, this is still very--crazily--generous. In many library systems, a ten cent fine means no checking out, so five bucks is a great deal.

Also, anyone who has fines they can't handle can work them off at a rate "concomitant with current minimum wage." In other words, you give us 90 minutes and you work off about ten bucks. Just ask to speak with the library director and we'll set something up. This does not apply to replacements or fines owed to other MORE libraries.

If you have fines on materials lost in a theft or fire, just bring us a police/fire department/insurance company report, and we'll let it go. We WILL call and confirm.

And, you know, we're not doing this because we have so many people absuing their library privileges that we need to clamp down. That isn't the case at all. We're doing this because so many people here DON'T abuse their privileges that it makes those who do all the more apparent and troublesome.

And don't worry. We're going to pick one week a year as "Fine Free Week." I think we just might make it random to keep people guessing.


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