Ever tried turning a hose on or off while wearing a Tyvek chemical suit? How about crawling around in pitch-black darkness trying to locate a child in a smoke-filled house? Can you imagine keeping your balance in a raft while pulling dead weight out of a rushing river during spring thaw?
Well, I couldn't either until I signed up for the Citizen's Fire Academy. In this six-week course, citizens are taught to appreciate the challenge that is the daily work-life of your average firefighter, even in a picturesque little hamlet like Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. So far, we've learned how to use air tanks, how to don various types of protective gear, and what the fire inspector looks for when he tours a home or business.
The photo above was taken last Monday night at the South Side Fire Station after we had just gotten done struggling with a leaking valve, meant to simulate an ongoing chemical spill. I tell you, when you see it on the news, it doesn't dawn on you the trouble involved in cleaning up stuff like that. Just getting DRESSED to do it is a production. I am the guy all the way to the left, by the way.
In the course of the class, participants also get to go on "ride alongs" to actual emergencies to see firsthand the calm and élan with which our firefighters and EMTs conduct themselves in the line of duty.
For information on next year's Citizen's Fire Academy, contact the fire department at 715-723-5710. It's an eye opener.
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