The Friends of the Chippewa Falls Public Library will be holding their annual book sale on Wednesday, July 21st and Thursday, July 22nd at the public library in downtown Chippewa Falls. The sale, held annually during Krazee Daze, will run from 7to 3pm on Wednesday and 10am to 2pm on Thursday.
The proceeds from the book sale will benefit the Friends of the Chippewa Falls Public Library, a non-profit group dedicated to raising money to support library programs and special projects.
“We have some really good buys for people who want lightly-used books of all kinds,” says Friends of the Library member and book sale veteran Mary Ann King. “We really appreciate when people come and buy the books and the money we get from these sales helps [The Friends] help the library provide what perhaps the budget doesn’t allow.”
This year, the staff of the library is also having a bake sale, the proceeds of which will go towards making improvements in the library’s Young Adult section.
“The Young Adult section has had the same furniture since 1969,” says library paraprofessional and bake sale organizer Sue Rada. “We want to improve the section a little so that the teens in town to feel more comfortable and have a sense of ownership.”
Both books and baked goods will sell for between 50 cents and five dollars.
For more information, contact library director Darryl Eschete at 715-723-1146 ext. 111 or email him at