Monday, February 22, 2010

Community Advisory Board?

I've been learning so much the last two weeks about what people like about the library--the convenience, the speed with which holds arrive, the availability of technology--and making a mental note of what we've doing right so we keep doing it.

I've also been listening closely to what we may have been doing that people weren't crazy about--the slow computers, the noisy environment, the crowded floorplan--and trying to alleviate the problems as I can.

Maybe I need a "Community Advisory Board" to meet now and then and relay what people are saying about the library to us...a sort of semi-permanent focus group to help us get better. We want opinions from across the, women, young, old, girls, boys, blue collar, white collar and so on. We're trying to give this library to the community with both hands, and we'd love to know how we're doing.

If you think this is a good idea,
email me
and let me know. Maybe YOU can be the first volunteer organizer? Help!

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