Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Winter Storm Closing


To renew books, call the 24-hour telephone renewal line at 1-866-697-3639 (1-866-MYRENEW).

We will reopen for regular hours on Thursday, March 1st.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Valley Art Association +Library=Gallery

Starting next week, the Chippewa Falls Public Library will host regular, rotating exhibits of art produced by members of the Valley Art Association.

The Association has been kind enough to not only provide the art, but also neat portable screens upon which to hang the art as well.

And, if a piece strikes your fancy, information will be available so that you can contact the artist and buy something that might look just perfect in the entrance hall or landing.

For more information, contact Ray Peterson at the Valley Art Association.

The Valley Art Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the arts in the Chippewa valley.

Let the Sunshine In

Above is a very rough idea of what the library will look like once we are done installing three 6' by 4' windows in the west wall. Since 1969, the Chippewa falls Public Library has missed out on this abundant and useful natural resource and we're trying to amend this oversight. Hopefully, this will allow us to turn off some lights during the day and save some energy.

Our goal is to have the work completed before mid-April, if possible.

Keep an eye out for the upgrade!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is? Why, YES!

The new clock is up and is keeping excellent time. It blends so seamlessly into the overall "1960s chic" decor of the library that it looks like it was built in...

Friday, February 10, 2012

Cake Pop Clock

The staff of the library is a great staff. Last fall, I pointed high up on the wall in front of the big window on the north side of the building and said: "It looks so BARE up there. A big clock would look great, wouldn't it?" I even drew a sketch. But after that, I have to admit I didn't do a whole lot more to make it happen.

But Reference Assistant Sue Rada (pictured leftmost above) heard me and coordinated a bake sale effort with Circulation Clerks Diane Bergeron (center) and Brandi Kinderman (right). On their own time, they created the cutest, most delicious little sports-related morsels and mounted them on lollipop sticks. After making and selling over 200 of them (at $1.00 each), the clock is bought and paid for (it came from Korger's.)

It will be up and keeping time by the middle of next week. Come in and see it!

Monday, February 6, 2012